10 Spiritual Quotes That Will Enrich Your Life

And refresh your mind.

Emogene Lukoye
Modern Spiritual


Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Have you ever come across a few words that stick with you?

Little nuggets of wisdom that can make you stop and think or even change how you see the world?

On my spiritual journey, I’ve collected over 200 quotes that have changed my life.

Among them, I have a top 10 that I read when things get tough:

1. Feeling good equals allowing the connection

Feeling bad equals resisting the connection to your Source

Terrible things happen more often than we’d like and we end up feeling horrible.

Too much focus on the negative intensifies the horrible feelings.

But this quote reminds us to consciously redirect our attention to maintain connection to our spiritual self.

I redirect my attention by:

1. Watching funny pet videos on socials

2. Taking a walk

3. Watching my favourite childhood cartoons

4. Cooking some good food

5. Exercising.

By engaging in such activities, I transform negative feelings into positive ones and maintain connection with Well-being.

2. If you’re in a state of appreciation, all good things will flow to you.

Every time you appreciate something, praise something or feel good about something, you are telling the Universe: “More of this, please.”

Since I laid eyes on this quote, my habit of comparison has significantly reduced.

I feel good when I meet a person ahead of me because it shows the possibilities that await if I put in the work.

Appreciating is the cure for comparison.

And it has tremendously boosted my mental health and well-being.

Stress and frustration are now a thing of the past.

Next time, try substitute your habit of comparing with praising and appreciating, and watch all good things flow to you.

3. Anything that you give your attention to will become your “truth.”

Your life is but a reflection of what you focus your attention on.

Most people don’t question where their attention flows.

I used to be the same until I realized that whatever I focused on before going to bed, like watching a video or reading a blog post, was what I ended up dreaming about.

How many times does a song we heard days ago stay in our heads for weeks?

We unknowingly feed our subconscious mind, which influences our main thoughts.

Things we pay attention to on repeat program our minds, slip into our vocabulary and become our way of life.

Since late 2023, I’ve been intentional about my information diet, even cutting out songs I like, if the lyrics don’t align with what I want to think about.

The outcome? Improved thoughts, better conversations plus increased awareness of negativity sources.

4. Life is not about tomorrow, it is about right now.

Life is about how you are currently moulding the Energy.

Mindfulness teaches us to be grounded in the present moment.

Living in a fast-paced world does the opposite.

We’re encouraged to take actions that will secure our future, rushing through life with FOMO.

This is how we’re moulding our present energy. Birthing pressure and anxiety as we go along.

If you wake up dead tomorrow? Will it matter?

You’d have missed the beauty of living in the present, of living a genuine and authentic life.

The message is simple, be intentional about how you shape energy in the present.

5. Create from a positive place of “if I do this and this, good things will happen”

Instead of creating from a negative place of “if I don’t do this and this, bad things will happen.

Before this quote, creating was just creating.

I’d never considered the possibility of creating from a positive or negative place.

Using words like “should” when trying to get through our to-do list brings on a heavy energy.

I’m guilty of using “should” even though I know better.

Anytime I use it, my energy dips and I end up:

1 . Feeling Lazy

2. Reluctant to take action

3. Procrastinating

A subtle shift in energy happened when I replaced should with “can do “, “could do” and “choose to do”.

I felt lighter, less obliged, and more productive.

What surprised me most was using “MIGHT DO”

It allowed me to approach my well-being with flexibility and self-compassion.

I became mindful, choosing to engage based on my current needs, energy level and priorities.

6. The energy of expectation is almost like ordering from a menu.

If you expect benevolent things on a daily basis, they occur.

Most people know how to ask the universe for their desires, but few permit themselves to expect anything.

We’re programmed to expect negativity. And 90% of the time, that’s what we get.

Adopting a mindset of positive expectation helped me stick through challenging times with a positive mindset.

For that to happen, I had to let myself expect good things without judgment, resistance or denial.

The lesson is simple, being ok with your present reality is a precursor to embracing the energy of expectation.

Let these quotes serve as an anchor, centering you when you most need it.

May they help you rethink life and offer you a fresh perspective on things.

Allow them to refresh your mind again and again.



Emogene Lukoye
Modern Spiritual

Writer. Passionate about Agile methodologies, User testing and Customer experience. Need a writer? https://devprojecttips.com/