Permission and Allowing -Two Things That’ll Improve Your Life

Let me show you how

Emogene Lukoye
Long. Sweet. Valuable.


Photo by Abstral Official on Unsplash

How many times do you permit yourself?

  • Permit yourself to feel,
  • Permit yourself to experience life.
  • Permit yourself to receive your dream life

All through my 20s, I desired a fabulous life, but for 10 years I never had it.

The problem?

I unconsciously never allowed it.

How many times do you desire to take action that’ll improve your life, but deny yourself permission because:

1. You feel guilty or ashamed

2. You’re scared of failure

3. You lack direction or clarity

Negative experiences and past trauma mess with self-confidence making it hard to to try again.

I was among those stuck in my past hurt and failure.

And I believed I’d solved the issue.

Until recently.

I was out with a workmate and she offered to buy me dinner.

Long story short I refused, to which she said,

“You don’t know how to receive”

That statement echoed in my head for days.

I knew how to give and give and give till I was empty, but receiving was uncomfortable.

Givers give and takers take, but when takers give there is a price to pay — that was the reason for my discomfort and an underlying belief I had to unlearn.

The art of disallowing isn’t limited to physical things.

Disallowing = resistance

Ways in which you resist allowing yourself/giving yourself permission include:

1. Lack of assertiveness

2. Lack of boundaries

3. Refusing help

4. Playing it safe

5. Overanalyzing

Reading Ask and It is Given( by Abraham Hicks) inspired me to work on allowing myself to receive and expect good things in my life.

This year I’ll do that by:

1. Allowing myself to receive compliments and praise.

2. Allow myself to receive gifts and treats

3. Allowing myself to do the things I want without personal limitation

4. Allowing myself to rest and take breaks

5. Allowing myself to feel and appreciate all emotions I’ll experience this year

Result I hope to achieve:

1. I hope to know and understand myself better

2. Break free from self-imposed limitation

3. Strengthen my abundance mindset

4. Embrace authentic expression

5. Experience a more fulfilling life

Short, sweet and simple.

What are you going to allow yourself to receive/give yourself permission to do this year?

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Emogene Lukoye
Long. Sweet. Valuable.

Writer. Passionate about Agile methodologies, User testing and Customer experience. Need a writer?